Psychology is a fascinating subject that aims to understand why people behave in the way that they do, by considering the complex interplay between biological, psychological, environmental, cultural, and social influences on behavior. This academic discipline encompasses a wide range of topics including how changes in the brain influence behavior, why false memories occur, why people behave differently when they are in a group, how language influences thinking, how we learn to understand others intentions, how psychological distress can be alleviated, why we identify with some people and not others, how subconscious processes influence our behavior, and how our thinking develops as we grow from children to adults. Studying psychology at Aston University will provide you with the basis for understanding why people act in certain ways and insight into methods of changing their behavior. By choosing to study at Aston you will gain a degree accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS), have the opportunity to complete a career-enhancing placement in the UK or internationally, and be taught by leading experts from a range of specialist psychological fields.
Five GCSEs all at grade C/4 and must include Maths and English Language. Please note we do not accept Key Skills or Functional skills in place of these.
Aston University, Birmingham
£9,250, £15,950,
GBP 15000
£9,250, £13,900
Uxbridge, Middlesex England, UK
GBP £9,250, £13,750