Learn about current thinking and practice in higher education, and reflect upon your findings. Our tailored master's level course is suitable for working professionals at any career stage. The course is accredited by Advance HE. If you are a member of staff at the University this means that you will gain professional recognition as an Associate Fellow or Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. If you are taking this course as an external participant, you will be able to use your learning on the course to apply directly to Advance HE for professional recognition. The course is delivered primarily online, with an orientation day at the start of each module. We will provide you with individual tutor support and access to a community of practice. You will also be able to draw upon your everyday practice and experiences to aid your learning.
You must be actively teaching in higher education. Your teaching activity can include lectures, practicals, studios, labs, one-to-ones, seminars etc. but must be at tertiary level and enable you to: reflect on your practice implement in your practice what you are learning in your studies engage with the peer review of teaching requirements of the Associate Module demonstrate your ability to work at the Master's level
IELTS (overall)_x000D_ _x000D_ 9.0
Dundee City Campus / Online
£ 2,120, £ 4,630,
Middle Sex
GBP £4,500, £24,000
St John's
GBP £9,250, £14,100
Uxbridge area of London, England
GBP £9,250, £16,335