This course looks at the macroeconomic challenges of national, regional, and global economies together with the microeconomic behavior of people and businesses. An economics degree is an excellent foundation for your career as an economist but also offers scope to pursue a diverse range of high-earning opportunities. Economists examine how societies attempt to make the best use of their scarce resources so that they can advise governments, individuals, and companies on how to improve decisions and outcomes. Traditionally economists advise on investment, inflation, interest rates, and production. Increasingly however they also take a wider focus with many economists examining climate change, inequality, and improving healthcare.
Standard: AABB at Higher Widening access: BBBB at Higher
IELTS (overall)_x000D_ _x000D_ 6.0
Accounting, Finance and Economics
Dundee City Campus
£ 9,250, £ 18,950,
GBP UK: £9,250 & International: £20,000
Middle Sex
GBP £9,250, £23,400
Uxbridge, Middlesex England, UK
GBP £9,250, £13,750