Teaching is an extremely rewarding and challenging career. Our course is designed to provide you with the knowledge, understanding, and skills that you need to be an outstanding teacher. We aim to nurture teachers who are passionate about the development of their own and their pupils' learning. Social Sciences is taught in conjunction with Lead Secondary Partnership Schools. The course allows you to teach Secondary Social Sciences with a focus on your specialism. You will develop your subject knowledge, practical skills, and pedagogy in all aspects of science at KS3, whilst also developing your expertise in your preferred discipline of Social Sciences at KS4 and KS5 depending on your degree and experience.
hold or be expected to gain a minimum 2:2 honors degree (2:1 preferred) have GCSE grade C/grade 4 in English Language and Maths.
6.5 (no less than 5.5 in any band)
Humanities and Social Sciences
London, Newcastle, Amsterdam
GBP £7,350,£16,000
Birmingham, England.
GBP £7,700, £13,200