Our ability to predict and understand the level and type of impacts that humans levy on the marine environment underpins knowledge of how and why interactions of these often conflicting enterprises need to be managed and controlled. This course provides a wide range of unique and exciting theoretical and practical training opportunities for students aspiring to build successful careers in the marine environment sector. Human impact on the marine environment includes waste dumping, fisheries and aquaculture, oil and mineral extraction, tourism and recreation, and industrial and urban development. Marine and coastal resource management is a dynamic, exciting area, and knowledge in this field is integral to our understanding of the natural world and the need to protect it.
Applicants should normally have one of the following: An Honours degree (minimum 2:1) containing significant content of marine/ecological/behavioral/biological science or a relevant postgraduate qualification Substantial relevant work experience, together with evidence of recent study or writing at an appropriate level
6.5 (no less than 5.5 in any band)
Exton Park (Parkgate Road)
Birmingham, England, United Kingdom
GBP £1,150
London, Newcastle, Amsterdam
GBP £8,400,£16,000
GBP UK: £8,950, International/EU:£15,750