Do you feel passionate about supporting parents during the first 1,000 days of parenthood? This 'top-up' degree enables you to explore the fascinating field of 'Birth and Beyond' with the NCT. You will have the opportunity to explore the historical, political, economic, sociological, and cultural factors that shape the 1st 1000 days after birth. The course then considers the theoretical and practical skills required to change and influence this cultural shaping. You'll gain an understanding of how adults learn as an individual and in more formal group situations. Finally, you will be able to specialize in an area of particular interest to you within your Dissertation.
240 HE credits with at least 120 credits at L5. * These credits may be from an NCT Diploma or Foundation degree or another discipline related to the 'Birth and Beyond' period. Nonrelated subjects will be considered but you will need to demonstrate a real interest in the field and there will be required pre-reading.
Human Resource Management and Psychology
Leeds, England
GBP £9,250, £13,000
St John's
GBP £9,250, £13,100
Leeds, England
GBP £9,250, £13,000