In this course, you will learn how vital marketing is to an organizations success. You will gain the experience and skills needed to apply marketing to a wide range of contexts. Whether you are interested in setting up your own company, working for a large organization, or joining the not-for-profit sector, this course will give you a broad understanding of how businesses operate. While you will specialize in marketing, you will also have the opportunity to observe the interrelationships marketing has with other business functions, such as finance. There will be regular opportunities throughout the course to apply the theory you have learned in the classroom in professional settings. You will work on live projects and engage with practicing marketers, organizations, and employers through a program of guest speakers, work experience, and internships. You will have the opportunity to work as a marketing consultant on a live brief with an organization, for example, students have previously worked with John Lewis.
104 UCAS Tariff points 3 GCSEs at grade C/4 (or equivalent) including the English Language.
20 Hours of Work permit weekly for international students.
If English is not your first language you will need to show that you have English Language competence at IELTS level 6.0 (with no skill below 5.5) or equivalent.
Business Administration and Management
York campus
Full-Time, 3 years, Part-Time, 6 years
UK: £9,250, International/EU: £13,000,
$ 9250
Ormskirk, Lancashire, England
Home full-time: £9,250, International full-time: £15,500