With a qualifying law degree, you can go on to apply to the Legal Practice Course or Bar Professional Training course, in order to qualify as a solicitor or barrister. You could also apply your degree to other careers that value analytical and persuasive skills. A law degree offers a variety of career choices in one of the most well-paid and socially important sectors. The type of career on offer can depend on the kind of law firm you want to work for, and possibly the area of law you specialize in. And options are not confined to the legal services sector either, due to the range of transferable skills gained from the course.
A Level ABB or: BTEC National Diploma DDM or: Access to HE Diploma with 33D 3M 9P or: Equivalent Level 3 qualifications worth 128 UCAS points Applicants must hold 5 GCSEs A-C including Maths and English, or equivalent (reformed GCSEs grade 4 or above).
English language qualifications for international students: IELTS score of 6.0 or Cambridge Proficiency or Advanced Grade C.
Middle Sex
GBP £9,250, £23,400
Uxbridge, Middlesex England, UK
GBP £9,250, £13,750
Birmingham, England.
GBP £9,250, £13,200