Students can develop their own distinctive voice as an author and philosophy of composition, as well as explore the theory and practice of building a diverse portfolio of work across forms and styles. As a Creative Writing student at the University of Lincoln, you have the opportunity to work with, and become part of, an international community of writers who will aim to help you develop your skills in genres as diverse as prose fiction, psychological thrillers, scriptwriting, poetry, creative non-fiction, and the graphic novel. Our aim is to help you to develop your writing in innovative and exciting ways, becoming the best writer you can be. The course has a strong focus on employability and aims to prepare you for a professional writing or publishing career. You may be taught by an enthusiastic team of professional writers whose work has been widely published, broadcast, and staged. They are led by six internationally known writers: award-winning science fiction writer Chris Dows; award-winning poet and literary translator Daniele Pantano; award-winning novelists Sarah Stovell, Guy Mankowski, and Amy Lilwall; and award-winning playwright Sue Healy. You may also have opportunities to take part in readings, workshops, masterclasses, and events; to serve as editors for 'The Lincoln Review' (, an international literary journal edited exclusively by undergraduate and postgraduate students; and to benefit from the experience of a range of writers, editors, dramaturges, producers, and directors who come to the University of Lincoln as visiting lecturers, such as Ann Cleeves, Andrew Graham-Dixon, Chris Packham, and the former Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy, who became a Visiting Artist at the University in 2015 and regularly visits Lincoln to engage with students and read a selection of her works.
The minimum IELTS score required is 6
Falmouth, England
UK:£9,250 per year EU/international:£17,460 per year, Per placement year:£1,850
Leeds, England
Bellingham, Washington.
USA: $28,175 , International: $47,082