The central aims of the course are to update and enhance knowledge of relevant law and research literature and to provide an opportunity for experienced practitioners to further develop and critically reflect upon their skills, as applied to a variety of areas and settings in work with children. It also aims to promote the anti-discriminatory practice, inter-agency understanding, and interdisciplinary working. The program is structured in a way that allows students to maintain full-time employment while studying, with teaching for each module taking place over an intensive 3-day period. The program, therefore, is designed to appeal to both the €˜conventional postgraduate student and specifically, those already engaged professionally in this area of activity, in social work, health, the legal profession, or otherwise.
Applicants should normally have a first degree with first or second-class honors or equivalent and/or relevant professional qualifications. Candidates who do not meet the standard criteria will, however, be considered. Applications are welcomed from appropriately qualified and experienced professionals from areas including, but not limited to, social welfare, law, criminal justice, and healthcare.
IELTS 6.5_x000D_ Applicants for whom English is not the first language must provide evidence of a qualification in the English language unless they hold a previous degree that was taught and examined in English. The minimum score for entry to the LL.M. is academic IELTS 6.5 (with no subtest below 5.5) or equivalent.
£6,000, £16,000,
GBP £13,500
GBP £ 18,950
GBP £7,600, £13,700