Gain an understanding of health inequalities and the social determinants of health Awareness of data and the ability to assess the population's health and well-being Evaluate the effectiveness of public health interventions, programs, and services Understand how to develop and implement public health policy and strategy Gain an understanding of health protection and public health intelligence Understand the key role of health economics in public health Have the ability to interpret statistical methods to make appropriate recommendations Propose evidence-based interventions to address health inequalities using a social action approach
The UK honors degree 2:2 (or equivalent) in a relevant subject such as medicine, nursing, dentistry, allied health professions, microbiology, or chemistry. If you can demonstrate experience or previous learning you will also be considered by submitting a Recognition of Prior Learning Application.
Academic IELTS score of 6.5 (or equivalent) with no element below 6.0.
Healthcare and Nursing
GCU London
£8,700, £13,500,
Middle Sex
GBP £4,500, £24,600
Plymouth, England
GBP £9,950, £15,200
GBP £8820, £16020