Our Sociology and English Language course will provide you with an in-depth understanding of social processes, inequalities, organizational dynamics, and inter-group relationships. To understand how these issues perpetuate existing inequalities and unequal life chances, we analyze how politics is intertwined with the profit-making aims pursued by big corporations and how their combined interests dominate our social imaginations. Sociology will equip you with the knowledge and analytical skills that will enable you to think critically and work independently. This includes how to design a research project, collect empirical data, handle complex datasets (e.g., through applying coding techniques) and, most importantly, develop an advanced analytical mindset. This training will be essential for your final-year dissertation during which you will carry out your own individual research project. This experience will provide you with a skill set that is highly desired in a wide range of industries and areas of work. When learning about contemporary sociological topics such as inequality, racism, health, migration, sexuality, identity, education, the media, crime, and climate change, you will be taught by experts in these fields. Also in English, staff are internationally recognized researchers in fields such as ethnic and gender equalities, global change, theories of social change, forensic linguistics, language and gender, and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).
BBC (standard offer) BCC (with EPQ or Core Maths minimum grade B) CCC (contextual offer*)
Aston University, Birmingham
£9,250, £15,950,
Huddersfield, England
GBP £9250.£15,000
Chester, Warrington
GBP £9,250, £12,450